Saturday 21 November 2015


Happy Birthday Sir!!
Before 58, you had become a Deputy Governor, Governor, Vice President, Acting President and President. As a President you were honoured to be at the helm of affairs when Nigeria celebrated both 50 years Independence and 100 years of existence. A feat no one else can ever achieve You became the first Nigerian President to be listed by Times International on her global top 100 and even when you left office, your opponent and predecessor openly described you as the standard for political conduct in Africa.

All these you achieved without struggling, fighting, shedding blood, betrayal or putting other people down. It is a clear fact that no Nigerian, living or dead has ever had this stroke of good fortune before.

Your name might be Goodluck, but I think this goes beyond luck. It can only be by the Grace which is from God, looking at the heart of men and choosing to smile on those who are in His covenant.

As you turn 58 today, The President of iCelebrates Gospel Entertainment and the iCelebrates ambassadors wish you a Happy Birthday and a more fruitful future. God bless you Sir!!!!!
#iCelebrates @ICelebratesTv #GEJ

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