Friday 4 September 2015

EVENTS || ProjectNuWine 2015 Finale | YOU ARE INVITED!

Project Nu Wine is a talent discovery / development initiative geared to beam the spotlight on unexposed singing talents; groom and project them to the fore front and be high fliers in the gospel music industry.

ProjectNuWine 2015 Finale: YOU ARE INVITED!


Project Nu Wine is Currently in its fourth season; Seasons 1 to 3 held in 2009, 2012 and 2013 respectively. Season 3 featured a tag team of a mentor and a mentee (A mentor being an experienced singer/soloist).
The talent show has over the three seasons had some notable music artistes and music lovers as resource persons, judges and Music Director. The judges for the event at various times have included Mr. Ben Ogbeiwi, Dr Gbenga Kuponiyi, Dupe ‘Ige’ Kachi, Wole Oni, Lara George, Olufunmi, Tim Godfrey and Patricia Uwaje King. Flo was the Music Director in season 3.

The final is here! Saturday September 5, 2015.
At the TREM International Headquarters, Anthony, Lagos Nigeria, West Africa.

THROWBACK MUSIC VIDEO || Lean On Me | Kirk Franklin ft. Mary J. Blige, Bono, The Family, R. Kelly, Crystal Lewis |

Kirk Franklin - Lean On Me ft. Mary J. Blige, Bono, The Family, R. Kelly, Crystal Lewis.

Music video by Kirk Franklin performing Lean On Me.

 #‎ThrowbackMusicVideo! 1998 - Lean On Me featuring Mary J. Blige, Bono, R.Kelly, and Crystal Lewis.
 Crystal Lewis is releasing her new album on 9/11!

Thursday 3 September 2015

On Same-Sex Marriage || Kentucky Clerk on Biblical Marriage Stand || ‘I Have Weighed the Cost’

Kentucky's Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis (right) told Decision magazine Wednesday: "If the Word of God isn’t worth fighting for, I don’t know anything that is.”

Kentucky’s Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis talked to Decision magazine on Wednesday. A more comprehensive story will appear in the October edition of the magazine. No amount of threats against her life or her job, no edicts from the U.S. Supreme Court or the governor, could sway Kim Davis to compromise God’s truth.

She is so overwhelmed by His grace, so captivated by His love, so surrendered to His will that she can’t fathom caving to the ways and pressures of this world—regardless of the consequences.

“I cannot be separated from what I believe,” she said. “I have to love the Lord with my whole heart, mind, body and soul—with every ounce of strength and might that I have in me. It’s every breath we take and every beat of our heart.”

Davis, the Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk of court, has been at the center of a national firestorm in recent months over her refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses even though she received court orders to do so.

She is scheduled to appear in federal court in Ashland, Kentucky, at 11 a.m. Thursday for a hearing to determine if she will be held in contempt.

Her voice cracked and she wept at times during an interview this week with Decision as she discussed her willingness to face dire consequences if necessary in order to remain faithful to her Lord, which could also include being impeached from office and being arrested.
“I have weighed the cost,” she said. “It’s definitely no place that I thought I would ever find myself, and it is definitely out of my comfort zone. I’m a very private person. For this to be everywhere [in the news] is just overwhelming at times.

“But it is through God and His grace and strength that I stand, that I can have a smile on my face.” 

Because of the Bible’s clear teaching that marriage is the sacred union of one man and one woman, Davis prayerfully decided that she could not permit issuance to gay and lesbian couples since the licenses would bear her name. 
“Those licenses leave my office through my authority,” she said. “I cannot be party to that. I just can’t. … If the Word of God isn’t worth fighting for, I don’t know anything that is.”

Her attorney, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, has asked the courts and Gov. Steve Beshear to change licensing procedures to accommodate Davis’ convictions and those of others with similar beliefs. Staver suggested several options, including removing the clerk’s name from all marriage licenses, making the state capitol the processing center for licenses and switching to an online application process.

Davis also tried to take pre-emptive measures to avoid the predicament immediately after taking office as clerk in January, writing state legislators in anticipation of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of same-sex marriage in June. “I urged and beseeched them to get legislation on the floor while we still had time to protect clerks who had religions objections to same-sex marriage,” she said. “I got only one response, and nothing happened.”

Some critics have suggested that Davis should resign her elected position, but she has no intention of doing so, partly because she ran for the office last year after 27 years as deputy clerk only because she sensed the Lord calling her to do so.

Her deep devotion to Christ is rooted in the love and grace she received at her conversion more than four years ago, which she said followed years of “living in a pit of sin that I had created with my very own hands.”

She was divorced three times and gave birth to twins conceived out of wedlock.

Her life changed in 2011 when she attended a Sunday evening church service in honor of her mother-in-law, who had died that morning. “The pastor preached out of Galatians, and it really stirred my heart,” Davis said. “I repented right there on the altar, just fell on my knees and face and cried.”

Davis now prays regularly for the salvation and protection of the same-sex couples who have assailed her and says she believes there is eternal significance in remaining firm in her stance.

“For me, this is a Heaven or Hell issue because [of] someone else who maybe doesn’t know the Lord and is still searching,” she said. “This is real, and this is true.”

Though she has been under intense attack and pressure, she claims a peace and trust in God that surpasses human understanding. “We serve a living God who is alive and on the throne,” she said. “He knows exactly where I am, and I know that His hand is upon me and upon His people. He is in full control.”

Franklin Graham is coming to all 50 states in 2016 to encouraged Christians to live out their faith. Find out more about the Decision America Tour with Franklin Graham.

Wednesday 2 September 2015



Kindly click here to REGISTER NOW and watch the LIVE service online from anywhere around the world on Sunday 6th of September, 2015 at 16 Hrs GMT + 1. God bless you.


Putting Yourself in the Way of Success

IF ONLY I could repeat it over and over again, so that, wherever you turned in this book, your eyes would see this one fact: You have within you all of the qualities and elements that are necessary to make you a success. Your chief work is the development of the thing that nature has already given you.
Before you go to the office, create all around you and in you an atmosphere of victory.
You go out with the consciousness that you have victory. You and the unseen One are going down to the office together and you are going to put it over.

You are going out after that job with the smile of a victor—not the smile of a man who is trying to smile, but the man who smiles in spite of himself.
Cultivate the habit of thorough work. If it is mental work, think every problem through. Be the one man in that office where you work who thinks through on every problem that comes up.
You will find that the boss will want you. Very few men have the ability to think through.
They guess, they speculate, they theorize.

But down yonder behind the desk is the man who takes the problem and resolutely drives himself to think through that problem from every angle.
The boss can get men to do what he tells them to do.
He is looking for one with ability to tell the others how to do it.
So set the standard high for yourself.
Have a lofty spiritual ideal.
Climb to it.

Between you and it there may be many a swamp through which a road must be made.
Lumbermen always build roads to the timber they wish to market.
You will have to build a road to market your abilities.
There is pain and fatigue ahead for you, but you dress for the job.
Remember to associate with people who have won, those who help you climb to the top.
Don't hang around with a group of "has beens." Associate with the men who are climbing up.
The idle, gossiping people will not help you.

The lazy and careless will stand in your way.
Those who spend their nights in the roadhouse or at the gambling hall will never help you.
Don't think you can get something for nothing.
Put your money where it will count.
Put your time where it will pay you dividends.
This battle is not for the thoughtless, heedless guesser or idealistic dreamer.
It is for the man who works.

Sign-Posts on the Road to Success



HEALTH TIPS || THIS Happens! When You Put An Onion In Your Ear Overnight.

Ear ache? Grab an onion!

After the crap hits the fan even the smallest of things can cause much pain and or threaten your way of life. I have tested this as well as using a potato in my room when sick to pull out infections or bacteria from the air. With that being said, I also use it in my ear(juice) to aid my body with recovery from a infection or ache due to being hit in the ear or cut that might get infected and cause a problem.
Onions are known to be a contact antibiotic and antibacterial...Meaning when put on an infection, they go to work on it! Its a expectorant and that is why its used when someone has a upper respiratory infection and are trying to breath better. Simply steep it and drink! I know, it taste nasty...but what do I always say? If it tastes good its most likely NOT good for us! Bitter is better and sour is power! ;)
Blessings to you and yours!

This video is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any illness, please see your physician for medical advice.

EVENTS || When These Wedding Crashers Showed Up See What The Bride Did… Unbelievable!


Planning a wedding is REALLY tough work. There are just so many components that at least a few hiccups are pretty much inevitable. You can only hope that things go relatively smoothly. So how would you like it if a bunch of wedding crashers showed up on your big day? You probably wouldn’t be too happy. But then again, there are always some exceptions to the rule. Maroon 5 decided to crash several weddings and surprise the newlyweds with an unforgettable performance.

This is just so beautiful! What a way to make an already incredible day even more special!

Share this with your friends and family


If you live in the city of Abuja,The Citadel &Towers is the place to be from 2nd-6th Sept 2015.




“Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light”
(Colossians 1:12).

Do you realize your own good works or your own righteousness couldn’t qualify you for the blessing of God? Our opening verse of scripture expresses this as it says, God “hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.” God the Father did this for us, in spite of ourselves.
God in His infinite mercy and kindness qualified you for the good life. How exciting to realize that you don’t have to strive to be good enough for God. There’s no need to strive and work to merit His blessings, for it’s by His grace. His righteousness is your qualification to be a partaker of the glorious inheritance He’s prepared for the saints.

Thus, all the glorious and precious promises in the Word that have come to us through Christ are your present hour possession. Prosperity, healing and health, success, spiritual advancement and everything that’s required for your total well-being are all yours now.

God’s Word is the book of your inheritance. In Acts 20:32, the Apostle Paul says the Word “…is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.” This is the reason you must study the Word voraciously, for through knowledge–the knowledge of God’s Word–shall the just be delivered (Proverbs 11:9).

Tuesday 1 September 2015


BACK TO SCHOOL: If you are a student, have a child returning to school or simply want to speak a blessing over the kids in your life. Here's a prophetic declaration:
DECLARATION: I declare that (I) or (my child) __________ will walk in obedience to God's will and His Word this school year. In the mist of teachings that contradict biblical principles I/he/she will be a beacon of life, speaking truth with boldness and accuracy. I/he/she will not be influenced or tainted by any adulterated Gospels that don't acknowledge the finished work of the cross. I/he/she will be careful to always glorify God in through by actions and conversations so that unbelievers will won over by Godly conduct. Classmates will know me/him/her as one who loves truth, righteousness and kindness. My ability to show unconditional love to fellow Christians and classmates who are unbelievers will be my greatest testimony.
If you've spoken this declaration over your life or the life of a student you know, please type "Declaring School Year Victory!" Our team will pray for you over the next 24 hrs, believing God for a special hedge of protection over every student who's made this declaration or had it spoken over them.

Ify | A UK Based Gospel Artiste To Release Her Audio & Video New Single - "He Did It" || @ify4Jesus

Stemming from her debut album ‘Be Magnified’, Ify Odugbemi known as Ify, will release her new album, POIEMAGod’s Masterpiece, October 3 2015 at Aberdeen, UK. This piece of work showcases songs that were birth with a keen motive to praise and worship God concurrently leading listeners to the presence of the Lord. Indeed from birth, life experiences reveal that God and God alone must be praised and frankly, POIEMA testifies of the love and mercy of Jesus. Every track glorifies the Lord and these will sure orchestrate anthems in the Body of Christ globally.

Some of the soothing and sensational tracks in this piece are ‘He Did It’, ‘His Mercies Endure Forever’, ‘You are God – Reloaded’ and several others. The single ‘He Did It’ with its video directed by Uvi Orogun is officially released today, September 1 2015. ‘He Did It’ is inspired from Acts 3:1-8, relaying the extreme joy expressed when Jesus turns around a seemingly hopeless situation.

US based multi-platinum songwriter and record producer; Dapo Torimiro produced a great part of POIEMA. However, UK based producer, Evans Ogboi, grilled the ‘You are God – Reloaded’ track featuring Isabella and Evans Ogboi. The album will be available on iTunes and other online platforms and you can also get her previous album ‘Be Magnified’ through these channels.

Further info can be coined about Ify from the following e-based platforms.







Culled from PraiseCamp

Monday 31 August 2015

iCelebrates VIDEO: "Mother & Daughter At War" - T.D. Jakes

The scars from an unhappy Childhood can tear lives apart! 

T.D. Jakes speaks with R&B singer Angie Stone and her daughter Diamond Stone in hopes of repairing their relationship.

Original air date Wednesday August 26, 2015.

The T.D. Jakes show airs in Atlanta, Cleveland, Dallas and Minneapolis. Find out when it's on: